Imagine this: your senior managers are hosting virtual meetings. In each one of them, someone asks a question. “What are we doing in response to the pandemic?”

  • Manager 1: “We are doing everything we can to keep all of us safe.”
  • Manager 2: “I know we all hate these Zoom meetings, but we will be back in the office as soon as possible.”
  • Manager 3: “You were sent an email on June 14, outlining our response to the pandemic. I suggest you read that.”
  • Manager 4: “What are you concerned about? Let’s talk about what I can do to help.”

Which is the right answer? All of them, and none of them.

None of the answers is wrong. But they are all wrong because they are so different.

People have a fundamental need to feel safe in order to function. Control and predictability create feelings of safety. Four different vague or evasive answers create just the opposite. The costs of this kind of uncertainty: resistance, lost productivity, and an organization even less focused on its business goals.

Faced with unprecedented challenges, your leadership team needs to get aligned and then sound aligned. That’s a tight team.

We have tightened up many executive teams. We don’t tell them what their goals and message should be; we facilitate. Here is the essence of our process:

  1. Gather your team and ask them four questions.
    • What’s the challenge we’re faced with?
    • What’s the solution to the challenge?
    • What’s the approach we’ll take to execute the solution?
    • What’s the result we want?
  1. For each question, brainstorm a one-word hint: start broad, then narrow down to the top two to three words, and then down to the final one.
  2. Once the four words are selected, generate facts and examples to use when you deliver the message. Each of the four words needs its own supporting details. Now you have a message frame.
  3. Bring it all together in a 30-second story – the four words, buttressed by facts or examples.
  4. Practice telling the story. As you practice, customize it for who you are and whomever you’re addressing. That is, use different examples for a Marketing employee vs. an IT employee. Each executive’s story will be slightly different, based on their communication style, area of expertise, position, and audience.
  5. Practice it a few more times, imagining different scenarios.
  6. Use the message frame as the foundation of all communications on this subject.

Let’s try our scenario again. Four Zoom meetings. Four employees with questions. Four responses from leaders.

“What are we doing in response to the pandemic?”

Feel that? It’s peace of mind.