They tackled AI, onboarding, streamlining, CRM, and leadership.

We got to work on some epic stuff in 2022. Here’s what a few of our clients invested in last year.

A global professional services firm helped employees get up to speed on Artificial Intelligence.

To create the new Artificial Intelligence Academy, we built learner personas, illustrating the technical and professional skills they will need to help clients understand AI solutions. Then we partnered with a technical training firm to script, design, and develop a simulation so learners can practice their new skills in an AI project scenario.

A national water solutions company onboarded over 500 new team members, doubling in size.

HR and functional teams built a program to welcome, train, and motivate their new team members. Onboarding involved 40 trainers, 118 classes/modules, 1007 learners, and 11,396 hours of training.  We also jump-started a formal leadership development program for all people-leaders in the business.

A global retail client boosted their organizational change management capability.

They launched a new Organizational Change Management (OCM) office to handle the increase in transformation projects impacting employees. We helped the new OCM team align on a custom change management methodology. We also built tools, templates, and a digital playbook on SharePoint to help project managers and change leads execute the methodology consistently.

An international business upped revenue by cross-selling existing digital assets.

Our client wanted more of their international customer base to buy and use their digital products. Subject matter experts for 20 existing high-impact digital assets helped us create short, self-guided, virtual, interactive learning programs for the firm’s practitioners. Each program teaches the “who, what, when, where, and why” for all 20 assets. The training boosted confidence and instilled new behaviors to lead client sales conversations.

A global retailer streamlined their contract labor supplier pool to reduce complexity and risk.

We helped hiring managers make the business process and technology changes feel “familiar, controlled, and successful.” We aligned the future-state processes with what was familiar to them and presented the “what’s in it for me” for the new tool. We created roadmaps for stakeholders, providing visibility and individual control as the changes rolled out.

A global professional services company invested in critical skills.

They targeted skills to improve innovation, decision-making, and collaboration. We helped design, develop, and deliver the program, which uses bio-psycho-social practice to boost critical thinking, empathy, communication, and resilience.

Three clients improved the customer experience with Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

We helped these three companies by shining a light on the people side of their CRM implementations. Specifically, we helped employees understand how their jobs would change and how to “survive” the transition to a new CRM. We analyzed the impacts on them, engaged the workforce, prepared them for go-live, and built internal change capability for the long term.

A U.S. DOE Office of Science national laboratory built behaviors that drive change.

We helped the lab identify the key employee behaviors that would foster positive change: collaboration, role clarity, and proactive leadership. We then created ways to focus stakeholder attention on the right behaviors and provide coaching to leaders.

A well-known brand turned their people leaders into consultants.

They acknowledged that their own managers were operating as consultants to their internal and external customers, solving problems and influencing change every day. We curated the licensed content from Peter Block’s Flawless Consulting book, then designed and built custom learning for a global audience. This client now sees management through the lens of a consultant, who is “flawless” when they are being direct and authentic with their customers.