A great chef might tell you that the key to a success in cooking is confidence. But belief in your success comes with experience. Before you get out the blender for the first time, you need a recipe and a vision for the finished dish.

The same applies to getting great results for your organization. Humans are more likely to feel optimistic and get on board if we understand where we’re going and what it will take to get there.

Regardless of the end result, successful change has some essential ingredients. Here’s a quick recipe to give you the confidence to jump-start your next project!

  1. Combine at least one strong sponsor and a shared vision; mix until smooth. Slowly fold in strategy and pour into a message frame.
  2. Chop business knowledge and expertise with project oversight and spread across the top.
  3. Sprinkle on another pack of communication.
  4. Whisk together training, practice, and shared values. Spread over employees, and drizzle with inspiration.
  5. Gently heat employees until you see desired behaviors.
  6. Season with recognition.

Most importantly, allow enough time for preparation. Your organization will love the results.