• Strategic Icebreakers Make Better Meetings

    Establish the right mindset, context, and emotion up front for more productive meetings.
  • The Executive Facilitation Series: How You Know You Won

    You facilitated an executive working session and you think it went well! But how can you know for sure? Here’s what you might hear and observe afterward.
  • The Executive Facilitation Series: The Secret to Success

    The team at Emerson Human Capital have constructed and facilitated thousands of executive sessions. Here’s how we do executive facilitation differently.
  • The Executive Facilitation Series: Getting the Right Outcomes

    By the end of an executive working session, execs need to leave thinking they achieved the outcomes they needed and know what to do next. To do this, here's what we recommend.
  • The Executive Facilitation Series: Making the Session Enjoyable

    Can executive participants enjoy themselves and do great work? We say yes! Here are a few ideas.
  • The Executive Facilitation Series: Being a Great Facilitator

    Expert executive facilitation makes a group more powerful and productive. As a facilitator, elevate meetings by helping executives realize their potential.
  • The Executive Facilitation Series: How to Prepare

    Are you planning an executive facilitation? First, answer these questions.