Lisa Toft
I’m a certified yoga instructor, and I’ve won a Smack Talk award. That about sums it up.

Q&A Time!


Q: What’s your hometown and current residence? 

A: I’ve moved more times than I would like to admit. I have Midwestern roots, but spent most of my childhood in Mississippi. My adult life has been in Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and now Denver (for the second time). I’m glad to be settled in the midst of wonderful friends – and no more boxes!


Q: What’s a little known fact about you? 

A: I own a disco ball. One time I took my friend to an endoscopy appointment. To try to make it fun, I brought the disco ball and made my car the enDISCOmobile!


Q: Do you have family or pets? Are you a hermit?

A: I’m an extroverted introvert who loves time to myself and time with my friends. I’m a devoted dog-mom to an awesome oldie-but-goodie lab mix who I rescued when she was 1. I’m also a daughter, sister, and aunt.


Q: Something you say again and again? 

A: “What is happening?!”


Q: What profession, other than  your own, would you like to attempt? 

A: I’d love to own a tea café. I’m also fascinated by neuroscience.


Q: What sound do you hate?

A: The beeping sound a truck makes when it’s backing up.


Q: What quote from history sums up your philosophy of life?

A: “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson


Q: Any pet peeves?

A: Scented trash bags and selfishness.